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Central China Normal University 2025 Chinese Government Scholarship “High Level Postgraduate Program” Admission Guide

时间:2024-11-05 14:30:13作者:方荣杰 审核人: 点击:

华中师范大学创立于1903位于九省通衢的湖北省武汉市坐落在武昌南湖之滨的桂子山上占地面积160余万平方米紧邻武汉市轨道交通地铁2号线、8号线、11号线。是首批列入国家双一流建设高校教育部直属重点综合性师范大学国家211 工程 重点建设大学国家教师教育985优势学科创新平台建设高校。




学校积极开展对外学术、科技和文化交流先后与美国、俄罗斯、加拿大、法国、 英国、澳大利亚、日本、韩国等 70 多个国家和地区的150多所高校及科研机构建立了密切的合作交流关系。


Central China Normal University (CCNU) was founded in 1903 in Wuhan, the capital city of Hubei Province. Situated on Guizi Hill beside South Lake in Wuchang, the university covers an area of over 1.6 million square meters and is conveniently accessible via Wuhans metro lines 2, 8, and 11. CCNU is a key comprehensive university under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education. As one of the universities on the list of 211 National Education Priority Project, CCNU is highly recognized as an important base for cultivating exceptional talent for the country and serves as a superior training center for excellent teachers in institutions of higher learning. It is also a distinguished participant in the “985 Project”, aimed at establishing a top-tier training center for outstanding educators in higher education.

The university has a well-developed system for nurturing talent. It encompasses 30 teaching and research units, offering 84 bachelor’s programs, 20 postdoctoral research stations, and one postdoctoral research workstation.

CCNU boasts a highly qualified faculty, with over 3,800 staff members, including 2,081 full-time faculty. Among them, 606 hold the title of professor810 are associate professor, and 644 are PhD supervisors. Additionally, the faculty includes over 100 nationally recognized talents, including distinguished professors in humanities and social sciences and national teaching masters.

Over the years, the university has developed a profound campus culture characterized by erudition, love, and elegance. With more than 90 active student clubs on campus, events such as the Innovation Cup Science and Culture Festival, the “Shuren Cup Art Festival”, the “Boya Lecture Hall”, the Song of Gui Yuan, and the “Guizi Hill International Cultural Festivalhave become popular cultural activities with significant impact in Wuhan and across China, providing students with a wide range of opportunities. The university offers a full campus-wide wireless connectivity and air-conditioning in student dormitories. The library, one of the top libraries in Hubei Province, covers an area of nearly 5 million square meters and houses a collection of over 3 million books. The advanced campus literature network management and service system, provides strong support for students academic life.

The university has established close relationships with many key universities and research institutes worldwide. It has conducted school-to-school exchanges and extensive academic cooperation with more than 150 universities in over 70 countries, including the U.S., Russia, Canada, France, the U.K., Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and more.

CCNU is one of the first Universities to accept international students and serves as a training base for international students under the China Scholarship Council. It is also one of the nationally recognized Chinese Language Education Base Units approved by the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee. To date, CCNU has hosted and trained over 30,000 international students from more than 170 countries and regions.


Major in Admission, Admission Category,Term of the Scholarship


请参阅2025年华中师范大学国际学生招生简章-研究生专业目录 2025 Master and PhD Programs-星空体育在线网页版 (http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/)





1.Major in Admission:

Please refer to the International Student Admission Guide of Central China Normal University.: 2025年研究生招生专业 2025 Master and PhD Programs-星空体育在线网页版 (http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/)

2. Admission category:

Master’s degree and Doctoral degree.

3. Term of the scholarship: Including Chinese Language year and Major Study. The term of Chinese Language year is generally 1 year; the term of Master Major Study is 2 -3 years; and the term of PhD Major Study is 4 years.

奖学金内容 Subsidy Content




1. Including tuition fees, accommodation expenses, living expense and comprehensive medical insurance fees.

2. Living expense: 3000RMB/month for Master’s degree and 3500RMB/month for PhD.

3. Comprehensive medical insurance fees: 800RMB/person/year.







1. Non-Chinese citizens, and be in good health both mentally and physically.

2. Applicants for a Master's degree should have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent, have excellent academic performance, and be generally no older than 35 years old; applicants for Doctoral degrees should have Master's degree or excellent academic performance, and be generally no older than 40 years old.

3. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must have at least HSK5 or above. Applicants who are unable to provide proof of standardized English language testing are required to provide proof of English language instruction for their previous degree studies. Applicants whose mother language is English are exempt from providing proof of English language proficiency as described above.

申请流程Procedures for Application


- 华中师范大学招生代码为:10511

- 高水平研究生中国政府奖学金项目类别为:B

2.登录华中师范大学国际留学生在线服务系统Online Service Platform for International Students (at0086.cn),进行网上注册与申请(招生类别请选中国政府奖学金-高水平研究生项目

1. Visit “CSC Study in China” website and click “Scholarship Application for Students” at http://www.campuschina.org. Fill in the Chinese Government Scholarship Application Form online and submit the required application documents;

- The code of Central China Normal University is :10511.

- Category of Chinese Government Scholarship Program for “High level postgraduate program” is : Category B.

2. Applicants log in to the “Central China Normal University International Student Service System” Online Service Platform for International Students (at0086.cn) (Choose Chinese Government Scholarship - High level postgraduate program). Fill in the Application Form online and submit the required application documents.

申请材料Application Documents




4.学习成绩单(自本科阶段起)。成绩单扫描件应包括本科、硕士(如有)、博士(如有)学习阶段,直至最近一学期的成绩。成绩单应由就读学校教务处、研究生院或有关学生管 理部门开具并盖章。可提供中/英文成绩单,如为英语以外语种,需另提供英文翻译件并公证。

5.语言能力证明。申请以中文为专业教学语言的申请人须提供有效期内且与相应中文水平要求相符的 HSK 成绩报告。申请以外语为专业教学语言的申请人根据学校要求提供相应的语言能力证明,如雅思或托福成绩单。

6.来华学习计划。应提交中/英文学习计划(1000 字以上),学习计划只可以用中文或者英文书写。



9.年龄不满 18 周岁的申请人,须提交在华法定监护人的相关法律文件。

10.《外国人体格检查表》复印件(原件自行保存,此表格由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须英文填写)。申请人应严格按照《外国人体格检查表》中要求的项目进行检查。缺项、未贴有本人照片或照片上未盖骑缝章、无医师和医院签字盖章的《外国人体格检查表》无效,检查结果有效期为 6 个月。

11.无犯罪记录证明。申请人须提交由所在地公安机关出具的有效期内的无犯罪记录证明,通常应为提交申请之日前 6 个月以内的证明文件。


1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (in Chinese or English);

2. Copy of Passport Home Page. If the validity of the applicant’s current passport does not meet the requirement (meaning the passport expires before September 2025), please apply for a new passport before submitting the application;

3. Notarized highest diploma. Prospective diploma winners must submit official proof of student status by their current school. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations;

4. Academic transcripts (from the undergraduate program onwards). Copies of academic records from first to last semester during the undergraduate, graduate (if any), and doctoral programs (if any) shall be provided. These transcripts shall be issued and sealed by the  attending university’s  academic  affairs  office,  graduate  school,  or student management department. They can be in Chinese or English, but must be attached with notarized English translations if they are in foreign languages other than English;

5. Language qualification  certificates. Applicants for Chinese-taught programs must submit valid HSK reports in accordance with the corresponding Chinese proficiency requirements. Applicants for other language-taught programs shall provide relevant language proficiency certificates according to the universities’ requirements, like IELTS or TOFEL report;

6. A study plan proposal. A study plan written in Chinese or English shall contain more than 1,000 characters or words; the proposal of a doctoral student shall be signed by the applicant’s Chinese supervisor;

7. Recommendation letters. Two letters of recommendation (written only in Chinese or English) from professors or associate professors shall be submitted. These letters shall describe the applicant’s objectives of learning in China, comprehensive abilities, and evaluation of future growth, as well as the cooperation between the supervisors or the exchange between universities both in China and abroad;

8. Example of art. To apply for majors related to art or design, applicants could submit their own works through  “Example  of Art/Other  Supporting  Documents”  in the system. Applicants could also provide  such materials to the  applied universities directly in other ways;

9. Applicants under the age of 18 should submit the valid documents of their legal guardians in China;

10. A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form completed in English (the original copy shall be kept by the applicant). The form is designed by the Chinese quarantine authority and can be obtained from the dispatching authority. The physical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital, or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid. Please select the appropriate time to take a physical examination as the result is valid for only 6 months.

11. Non-criminal record report. The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of Non-Criminal Record issued by the local public security authority, usually issued within 6 months prior to the submission date of the application.

Reminder: Uploaded supporting documents must be clear, authentic and valid. Applicants  are  recommended  to  use  a  professional  device  to  scan  the  relevant documents.   Applicants   shall   bear   the   consequences   caused   by   unclear   or unidentifiable uploaded materials.

申请时间Application Time

2024/11/15 - 2025/02/17

15th November, 2024 to 17nd February, 2025

联系方式 Contact Information



网址 http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/

Tel: 0086-27-67865209

Email: cice@ccnu.edu.cn

Website http://cice.ccnu.edu.cn/


 中国政府奖学金系统操作说明 Instructions for CGS Information System(CGSIS).docx

 华中师范大学系统申请指南 Instructions for CCNU System.docx


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