For the purpose of satisfying the growing demand of the internationalcommunity for Chinese language teachers and facilitating Chineselanguage education in other countries,the Center For Language Education And Cooperation will continue with the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship. Confucius Institutes,independently operated Confucius Classrooms, certain HSK test centers, Chinese language (education) departments of foreign universities, professional associations for Chinese language instruction of other countries, Chinese embassies (consulates) abroad (collectively “recommending institutions”) may recommend outstanding students and currently-employed Chinese language teachers to study International Chinese Language Education or related majors in Chinese universities and colleges (“host institutions”).
Central China Normal University(CCNU), as one of the Host Institutions, welcomes applicants all over the world to study at CCNU. Please check the following notice for detailed information:
1. 非中国籍人士;
2. 遵守中国法律、法规和学校的规章制度;
3. 身心健康,品学兼优;
4. 有志于从事中文教育、教学及相关工作;
5. 年龄为16-35周岁(统一以2023年3月1日计)。在职中文教师放宽至45周岁,本科奖学金申请者一般不超过25周岁。
Ⅰ.The Eligibility of the Scholarship:
1. Non-Chinese citizens;
2. Abide by the laws and regulations of China and the rules and regulations of the school;
3. In good physical and mental conditions, and with a good record of academic performance and conduct;
4. Aspiring to work in the Chinese language education and related fields;
5. Aged between 16 to35( as of 1st March 2023).The maximum age limit for in-service Chinese teachers may be extended to 45, but those who apply for a scholarship for a Bachelor’s degree shall be younger than 25 under most circumstances.
1. 国际中文教育专业博士研究生
· 2023年9月入学,资助期限为4年。
· 具有硕士学历,硕士专业为对外汉语、语言学、国际中文教育或者教育相关专业。汉语考试成绩达到HSK(六级) 200分、HSKK(高级)60分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。
2. 国际中文教育专业硕士研究生
· 2023年 9月入学,资助期限为2年。
· 具有大学本科学历。汉语考试成绩达到HSK(五级)210 分、HSKK(中级)60 分。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。
3. 国际中文教育专业本科生
· 2023年9月入学,资助期限为4年。
· 具有高中学历。汉语考试成绩达到HSK(四级)210分、HSKK(中级)60 分。
4. 一学年研修生
· 2023年9月入学,资助期限为11个月。不录取享受过同类奖学金的申请者。
· 汉语考试成绩达到HSK(三级)210 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。
5. 一学期研修生
· 2023年9月入学,资助期限为5个月。
· 不录取护照上有X1、X2 签证者。
· 汉语考试成绩达到HSK(三级)180 分,提供 HSKK 成绩者优先。
6. 四周研修生
· 2023年7月或12月入学,资助期限为4周。
· 不录取护照上有X1、X2 签证者。
· 汉语研修、中医、太极文化、汉语言+中国家庭体验等方向,具有HSK成绩。可由推荐机构组团进行报名,并事先联系接收院校确定在华学习计划,提前报中心审批,每团 10-15 人。
Ⅱ.Scholarship Programs and Qualificationsfor Application
1. Scholarship for Doctor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education
· The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four academic years.
· Applicants shall hold a Master’s degree in teaching Chinese as a foreign language, linguistics, international Chinese language education, or education-related disciplines. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 200 on the HSK Test (Level 6) and 60 on the HSKK test (Advanced Level). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.
2. Scholarship for Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education
· The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of two academic years.
· Applicants shall hold a Bachelor’s degree. Applicants shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 5) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.
3. Scholarship for Bachelor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education
· The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four academic years.
· Applicants shall hold a senior high school diploma and have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK Test (Level 4) and 60 on the HSKK test (Intermediate Level).
4. Scholarship for One-Year Study Program
· The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of eleven months. International students who have benefited from similar scholarships are not eligible.
· Applicants of Chinese language study programs shall have a minimum score of 210 on the HSK test (Level 3), and priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.
5. Scholarship for One-Semester Study Program
· The program commences in September 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of five months. Applicants holding the X1/X2 visa category are not eligible.
· Applicants shall have a minimum score of 180 on the HSK test (Level 3), and priority will be given to applicants who provide an HSKK test score.
6. Scholarship for Four-Week Study Program
· The program commences either in July or December 2023, and the scholarship is provided for a maximum of four weeks. Applicants holding the X1/ X2 visa category are not eligible.
· Applicants of Chinese language study, traditional Chinese medicine, Taiji culture, or Chinese language plus homestay with a Chinese family program are required to provide an HSK test score. The program may be organized and applied for by a Recommending Institution with 10-15 participants per group. Before the trip, a detailed study plan shall be made in consultation with the CCNU and such plan shall be submitted to CLEC for review and approval.
1. 学费;
2. 住宿费;
3. 生活费;
4. 综合医疗保险费。
Ⅲ.Coverage of the Scholarship
1. Tuition fees;
2. Accommodation fees;
3. Living allowance;
4. Comprehensive medical insurance expenses.
1. 登录国际中文教师奖学金报名网站:https://pmplatform.chinese.cn/ui/start/#/login,查询接收院校:华中师范大学(机构代码10511);
2. 在线提交申请材料,关注申请进程、审核意见与奖学金评审结果;
3. 奖学金获得者与接收院校确认办理来华留学手续,在线打印获奖证书;
4. 按我校录取通知书规定的时间入学报到。
* 我校可作为推荐机构推荐国际学生申请国际中文教师奖学金,如需我校推荐,请联系cice2@ccnu.edu.cn。
Ⅳ.Application Procedures
1. Log on the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship application websiteto search forhostinstitution:Central China Normal University:https://pmplatform.chinese.cn/ui/start/#/login(agency number 10511);
2. Upload application materials onlineand trackthe application progress, comments and results;
3. Scholarship holders need to confirm with thehost institutions to go through the procedures of studying in China, and print out the scholarship certificate online;
4. Register at Central China University on the designated date written on the letter of admission.
* CCNUiseligible to recommend qualified applicants for the scholarship. If applicants want a recommendation letter from CCNU, please contact cice2@ccnu.edu.cn.
1. 护照扫描件(护照第一页及第二页);
2. 最高学历/学位证书/在读证明;
3. 成绩单;
4. HSK、HSKK成绩报告;
5. 推荐机构负责人的推荐信;
6. 未满18周岁的申请者,须提交在华监护人署名的委托证明文件;
7. 国际中文教育专业博士须提供两封相关专业领域内的副教授(含)以上或具有相当专业技术职称专家的推荐信。提供中文个人陈述(含对报考学科专业的认识、拟定研究计划,3000字左右)。提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议或相关证明者优先。
8. 国际中文教育专业硕士须提供两名副教授以上职称 导师的推荐信。 提供毕业后拟任教机构工作协议者优先资助。
9. 在职中文教师须附上就职机构出具的在职证明和推荐信。
* 非中文或英文学历 / 学位证书/ 在读证明、成绩单需翻译成中文或英文,并对翻译件进行公证。原件及翻译件都需上传至申请系统;
Ⅴ. Application Documents
All the following documents should be in high quality scanned copy :
1. Passport copy (first two pages);
2. Highest degree (degreeor study certificate);
3. Transcripts;
4. HSK certificate、HSKK certificate;
5. Recommendation letter from recommendation agency;
6. Applicants under the age of 18 must submit a certificate of entrustment signed by guardians in China.
7. Applicants of the Scholarship for a Doctor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education are required to provide two reference letters from professors or associate professors or experts with equivalent professional titles in relevant fields and a 3,000-word personal statement written in Chinese (including knowledge of the intended area of study and research proposal). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.
8. Applicants of the Scholarship for a Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education are required to provide two reference letters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China.
9. In-service Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment and a reference letter from the employer.
Very Important Keys:
* If your degree/ diploma/ study certificate is not in Chinese nor English, please translate and notarize it, then upload both original and notarized versions;
· 2023年3月1日至2023年5月15日(国际中文教育专业博士、国际中文教育专业硕士研究生、国际中文教育专业本科生、一学年研修生、一学期研修生);
· 2023年3月1日至2023年4月15日(四周研修生)
Ⅵ.Application Timeline
· From 2023-03-01to 2023-05-15(For Doctor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education, Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education, Bachelor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education, One-Year Study Program, One-Semester Study Program);
· From 2023-03-28 to 2023-04-15(For Four-Week Study Program).
星空体育(StarSky Sprots)网页版-Official website
Ⅶ. Contact Information
College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University
Tel: +862767865607 (Ms Zhou);
Address: Central China Normal University, 152 Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079, P.R.C